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In recent years, actuarial processes have evolved, becoming significantly more complex. Regulation related to risk-based capital, solvency and harmonised accounting standards has often led to fragmented actuarial processes with an increasing number of touchpoints. 

The emergence of new players in markets such as the bulk-purchase annuity market has led to creative innovations in how insurers structure transactions and win new business. End-user computing has added tremendous value in this context, but it comes with problems such as a lack of scale, operational risk and minimal governance.

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In recent years, actuarial processes have evolved, becoming significantly more complex. Regulation related to risk-based capital, solvency and harmonised accounting standards has often led to fragmented actuarial processes with an increasing number of touchpoints. 

The emergence of new players in markets such as the bulk-purchase annuity market has led to creative innovations in how insurers structure transactions and win new business. End-user computing has added tremendous value in this context, but it comes with problems such as a lack of scale, operational risk and minimal governance.

Step-forward, evo-insight.

evo-insight's strength is its ability to bridge the gap from small-scale end-user computing to highly scalable platforms with minimal risk and maximum value. Existing value locked into end-user computing is preserved and yet scale, governance and control are provided without the need for wholesale re-engineering programmes.

The outcomes that matter

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Efficient and scalable processes

Insurers are using evo-insight to make their processes more efficient by deploying the IP that sits in spreadsheets and Python scripts into more scalable, compute environments. This eliminates the need to run stochastic calculations through VBA on hardware constrained desktops.

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De-risked, governed workflow

Insurers are de-risking their processes by taking advantage of the governance and control that is at the heart of evo-insight. Why risk the possibility of end-users inadvertently changing a reference with disastrous consequences? 



Turn-around times for evo-insight users is shrinking – whether it’s the time to convert into evo-insight or the accelerated run-times that come from a dynamically scaling compute infrastructure. 

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Your operating model catered for

There are a variety of options available to evo-insight users, from no-code solutions to packaged applications to hosted end-user computing solutions. This means that operating models can be designed without vendor-imposed constraints. 

If you don’t want to manage a highly specialised team of liability coders, you don’t have to. If you want to leverage your in-house Python expertise, you can with the added comfort of knowing their models will be well-governed when put into production. 

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Multi-user environments as standard

Insurers don’t want to be limited to a single-user or desktop to ‘turn the handle’. The evo-insight platform is designed to allow multiple, concurrent users with version control and workflow right from the start. Sharing results, intermediate calculations and inputs can be done with confidence in the full knowledge that all users are referencing the same version.

What is evo-insight?

evo-insight is a cloud based, integrated platform that hosts pre-built and bespoke apps to enhance your existing IP and deliver governance, control, and efficiency to models and the teams that operate them. A typical journey from small-scale, desktop EUCs to highly scalable, multi-user applications is shown below:


Analytics & Data


Workflow, Business Logic, Storage, Compute


Business Applications or APIs produced

Embed in Web App

Hosted by Zeneth or deployed on customer architecture

Infrastructure & Scalable Compute

Internal or External user engagement

Governed Usage

Analytics and Data

Workflow, Business Logic, Storage, Compute




Business Applications or APIs produced

Embed in Web App

Hosted by Zenith or deployed on customer architecture

Internal or External user engagement

Infrastructure and Scalable Compute


Governed Usage

Transforming analytic solutions to controlled applications

Transforming analytic solutions to controlled applications

evo-insight’s three core offerings

  • 1. Embedded spreadsheets and other calculators (e.g. Python)

    Actuaries and other insurance professionals use spreadsheets and other desktop-based calculators for a wide array of business applications. 

    But these end-user computing offerings have limitations. 

    • Their performance is often limited by the desktop machine, particularly for large/stochastic calculations
    • Audit control and governance is difficult
    • Version control quickly becomes an issue as users make their own copies
    • Sharing the solution within the business is difficult
    • Working around limitations results in complexity and bloat that leads in creeping risk

    Our solution:

    • Embeds your IP - It takes existing spreadsheets, or other calculators, including any VBA macros and embeds them within apps to provide a workflow driven governed environment which allows full, multi-user access.

    Is powerful

    Stochastic and looped calculations for even the largest and most complex portfolios or sets of data points can run efficiently in our scalable infrastructure.

    Is auditable 

    Provides enhanced controls and full visibility. Everything can be audited. 

    Enables version control

    The evo-insight platform is backed by a data repository to manage version control. That means only authorised users can update calculations and end-users cannot create multiple versions of the same spreadsheet or calculator. Instead, all users simultaneously access the approved version with results stored in the data repository.

    Is flexible 

    By linking multiple related spreadsheets/calculators, you can manage processes and implement workflow to automate and add controls.  You can also distribute calculations across scalable computing infrastructure which reduces run time. 

  • 2. No code models

    A legacy of complexity

    Older actuarial modelling solutions require actuaries to code bespoke models. This takes time and requires resources that are better used elsewhere.

    But more importantly, these models are influenced by the actuaries who develop them – they are often just end-user computing. The consequences of this are that they are: 

    • Difficult to maintain
    • Likely to generate unnecessary risk
    • Limited by their reporting and visualisation capabilities
    • Affected by poor or non-existent documentation 
    • Hard to audit 
    • Reliant on platform-constrained analytics

    No code models

    With evo-insight, you have a suite of no code actuarial applications with embedded analytics covering all major sectors of the insurance market.

    Using evo-insight avoids working with a legacy of bespoke analytics that are difficult for anyone but the person who created it to understand. It is fully auditable and does not need users to have any knowledge of coding.

    Our solution:

    Is prebuilt 

    • Can be configured in a short space of time
    • Reduces implementation and testing time
    • Is continuously maintained to keep pace with changing regulations
    • Is equipped with embedded analytics

    Areas that evo-sight pre-built models cover include:

    • Liabilities - Term assurance, endowment, whole of life, annuities (including BPA), income protection, riders, NP, CWP, UWP and unit linked
    • Assets - Government and corporate bonds, equities, property, swaps, options and other derivatives
    • Solvency II - Standard formula SCR and stresses
    • Analysis of Change 
    • ORSA and Business Planning
    • What-If Analysis - Flexibility to vary assumption sets, scenarios of sensitivities

  • 3. Enhanced analytics

    Understanding your data

    You need information so you can make intelligent business decisions. The deeper and more accurate the information, the better the decisions. But having access to that can be complicated and understanding it can become increasingly difficult.

    Common needs are:

    • Forecasting numbers for multiple scenarios
    • Having data accessible to multiple stakeholders such as CFOs and CROs
    • Continually re-running heavy actuarial models
    • Conducting accurate business planning

    Enhanced analytics

    evo-insight provides powerful graphical interfaces and AI capabilities that can be used to create a visual rendering of your data. 

    It places the user in control by delivering analytics into their hands, backed by powerful data management capabilities that provide them with usable, targeted insights.

    Our analytics are:

    • Able to be tailored to the needs of each user 
    • Provided with an AI and a chatbot facility to source and present selected insights
    • Able to provide graphical renderings of all data sets
    • Equipped with interactive dashboards, so assumptions and parameters can be changed with instant updating of results for forecasting, business planning, and other analysis
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When you get access to evo-insight, you get more than just a single solution. You get ongoing support from Zenith, regular updates and a range of advisory and configuration services to help you get the best from the platform.

A person with a star in a speech bubble.

Expert help when you need it

The evo-insight service is backed by a team of expert consultants with deep experience of the insurance industry. The web-based configuration means that support is easy to provide, reducing implementation times, while the applications on the evo-insight app store are regularly updated. 

A black and white icon of a gear with an arrow pointing to it.

Our services are:

  • Tailored to each client’s requirements with application development and calibration services
  • Focused on optimising your business.
  • Provided by experts who understand technology and insurance/finance. 

Like to know more?

If you'd like to learn more about evo-insight then please get in touch.

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